47uH induktor Sunan Gunung Jati 512 | SING SÉHAT

Pondok Description:

47uH induktor Feature & ciri:

◆ ngandung ferrite frékuénsi luhur

◆ ayeuna Dihaturkeun Comparatively badag

  • FOB Harga: AS $ 0,01 - 9,9 / Potongan
  • Min.Order kuantitas: 100 Piece / Potongan
  • Suplai Kamampuhan: 1000000 Piece / Pieces per Bulan
  • jéntré produk

    Tags produk

    Our inductor has accurate dimension, durability, shows high performance and is easy to use. In order to meet the expectation of the patrons, Our inductor is also available in different shapes and sizes.

    47uH Inductor Feature & Characteristic:

    ◆ ngandung ferrite frékuénsi luhur

    ◆ ayeuna Dihaturkeun Comparatively badag

    Axial induktor Mangpaat

    ◆ suplai Power, DC-DC converters

    ◆ TV VTRs komputer

    ◆ périferal compters

    ◆ telepon hawa-kondisi

    ◆ Perkakas listrik home

    ◆ Toys éléktronik jeung kaulinan


    inquiries husus sagigireun jenis dipaké luhur umum bisa patepung dina sarat Anjeun.

    Axial induktor Gambar

    2uh induktor axial

    2uh induktor axial

    2.5mh axial induktor

    2.5mh axial induktor

    Tatarucingan, anjeun bakal museurkeun ieu

    Induktor Axial Sunan Gunung Jati 0515

    Patarosan Patali

    Naon kalungguhan induktor?

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