What Are The Main Characteristic Parameters Of The Inductor | GETWELL

What are the main characteristic parameters of inductance? Inductance manufacturer Getwell will tell you.

radial power inductor

radial power inductor

The main function of inductor is DC, blocking AC, in the circuit mainly play the role of filtering, vibration, delay, collapse, etc.

Inductance coil to the AC current has a blocking effect, the size of the blocking effect is called inductive XL, the unit is ohm.The relation between the inductance L and the alternating current frequency F is XL=2π FL.

Inductors are mainly divided into high frequency choke coil and low frequency choke coil.

1.inductance L: inductance L represents the inherent characteristics of the coil itself, and the size of the current has nothing to do with.Except for special inductance coils (color code inductors), the inductance is generally not specially marked on the coil, but marked with a specific name.

2.Inductive resistance XL: the size of the blocking effect of the induction coil on the AC current is called inductive resistance XL, the unit is ohm.The relationship between the inductance L and the alternating current frequency F is XL=2π fL.

3.Quality Q: Quality Q is the physical quantity representing the coil quality, Q is the ratio of the inductive resistance XL to the equivalent resistance, that is: Q= XL/R.The larger the Q value of the winding, the smaller the loss.The winding Q value is related to the direct current resistance value of the wire, the dielectric loss of the framework, the loss of the shield or the core, the high frequency skin effect and other factors.The Q value of the spiral is generally between tens and hundreds.Multi-strand thick coil adopts core coil, which can improve the Q value of coil.

radial inductor 100mh

radial inductor 100mh

4.scattered capacitance: exists in the coil between turns, between the coil and the shield, as well as between the coil and the bottom plate of the scattered capacitance.The existence of scattered capacitance makes the Q value of the coil decrease and the stability deteriorate, so that the smaller the scattered capacitance, the better.Sectional windings can reduce the distributed capacitance.

5.Allowable error: the difference between the actual value and the nominal value of the inductor divided by the percentage of the nominal value.

6.nominal current: refers to the coil allowed through the current size, usually with the letters A, B, C, D, E respectively, the nominal current value is 50mA, 150mA, 300mA, 700mA, 1600mA. 

The above information is compiled and distributed by inductor suppliers. If you are interested, search "inductorchina.com" for more information.

Post time: Apr-01-2021