Fitsipika miasa amin'ny singa inductor tiled | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Power Inductor Manufacturers What component is the patch inductor? How does the tiled inductor work? Next GV Electronics - Custom patch power inductor supplier with these two questions to understand the following content! You May Need Th...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona avy ireo toetra mampiavaka ny chip common mode inductors | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Power Inductor Manufacturers In the chip common mode inductor, different products can be selected according to the characteristics and size requirements. Gv Electronics, a chip inductor factory, shares with you how to select the right COMMon-mode ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny toetra ara-materialy amin'ny inductors hery tariby sy ny fahasamihafana eo amin'ny inductors chip sy ny inductors ratra tariby | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Power Inductor Manufacturers First of all, what is a wire wound inductor? There are many types of inductors, such as: power inductors, laminated inductors, wire wound inductors, etc. Today, Gewei smd power chip inductors will tell you about wire w...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
SMD inductor fomba famantarana sy ny fomba mifidy SMD inductor araka ny filana | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you SMD inductance components are used in a small number of circuits. They are only used at the output end of low-voltage DC control power supplies. They can be used together with filter capacitors to form...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona ny tombony sy ny tsy fahampian'ny inductors chip? Inona avy ireo faritra fampiharana ny fampidirana chip inductors | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Shielded Power Inductor The Shielded Inductor wholesaler and shielded Inductor Service provider share daily tips and tips on the shielded inductor, power inductor, wire wound inductor and other shielded inductors. Integral molding chip inductor ov...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no maha samy hafa ny hery inductors sy ny fomba mahazatra inductors | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
power inductors,common mode inductors Common mode inductance (Common mode Choke), also known as common mode choke coil, is often used to filter common mode electromagnetic interference signals in computer switching power supplies. In the design of the b...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Toetran'ny hevitra sy ny fahatsinjovana ny fampiharana ny inductors | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you The concept of inductors Inductors are generally composed of six parts, such as skeleton, winding, shielding cover, packaging material, magnetic core or iron core. 1, skeleton, Skeleton generally refers to a suppor...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona avy ireo inductors fampiasa matetika amin'ny finday | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you High-frequency inductors are usually used in mobile phones, and now mobile phones are also one of the necessary objects in people's daily life. we all know that mobile phones are a kind of high-precision products, ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny fampiasana ny Transformer ankehitriny | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you From the wire passing through the high current, the small current is induced according to a certain proportion for measurement, and it can also provide power for relay protection and automatic devices. Give example...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fahalalana fototra momba ny inductors | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you There are many kinds of inductors with different shapes, the more common ones are: single-layer flat-wound air-core inductor coil, inter-wound air-core inductor coil, bodiless air-core coil, multi-layer air-core in...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny fiantraikan'ny isan'ny inductors mode differential | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you Does it matter how many differential mode inductors there are? This problem many inductor manufacturers will be confused! So today I will introduce them to you one by one. What role can differential mode inductors ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny fifandraisan'ny loko peratra magnetika sy ny fitaovana | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you Most magnetic rings need to be painted to facilitate the distinction. Generally, iron powder cores are distinguished by two colors, such as red / transparent, yellow / red, green / red, green / blue and yellow / wh...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fidio ny inductor mety amin'ny famatsiana herinaratra | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you An inductor, also known as a choke, is characterized by the "great inertia" of the current flowing through it. In other words, due to the continuity of the flux, the current on the inductor must be continuous, othe...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona avy ireo inductors mahazatra | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you Like resistors and capacitors, inductors are one of the most commonly used passive devices in circuit design. Inductor is an energy storage element, which can convert electric energy and magnetic energy into each o...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fitsipika miasa amin'ny singa inductor | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you How does an inductor work? I will give you a detailed answer today. An inductor is an element that converts an electric current into magnetic field energy, and the inductance value indicates the ability of the curr...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ahoana no hampihenana ny fahaverezan'ny inductor core | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you We know that inductance core is a product that will be used in many electronic products, electronic products will produce certain loss in the process of use, and inductance core is no exception. If the loss of the ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona avy ireo masontsivana dimy mampiavaka ny inductor | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you The coil wound into a spiral shape is inductive, and the coil used for electrical purposes is called inductors. Inductors are widely used in electronic circuits, and can be divided into two categories, one is induc...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Nahoana no ny inductance rehefa ratra ny tariby ao anaty faribolana | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you The working principle of inductor is very abstract. In order to explain what inductance is, we start from the basic physical phenomena. Two phenomena and a law-- electromagnetism, magnetoelectricity and Lenz's law ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Famakafakana ny inductor current| MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you The design of inductor brings many challenges to engineers in the design of switching power supply. Engineers should not only choose the inductance value, but also consider the current that the inductor can bear, w...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny antony tsy fahombiazan'ny patch power inductor| MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you What are the reasons that affect the inductance failure of the patch? Today, I have combed some relevant contents for your reference. Causes of inductor failure 1. The mechanical stress produced by the magnetic cor...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Overview of Inductance Properties| MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you In a circuit, an electromagnetic field is generated when the current flows through the conductor. the magnitude of the electromagnetic field divided by the current is the inductance. Inductance is a physical quanti...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fandinihana ny asa sy ny fanoherana ny Inductance Coil| MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you What role does the patch inductor coil play in the circuit? Are the characteristics and characteristics of the patch inductor the same? Today, let's find out about it. The function of Hollow Inductance Coil Workin...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Famintinana ny inductance sy ny capacitance ary ny ankehitriny | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you It is easy to understand the difference between chip inductor and chip capacitor, but it is difficult for most people to distinguish, because there are many similarities between chip inductor and chip capacitor. He...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny maha samy hafa ny manganese Zinc sy Nickel Zinc| MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you The inductance ferrite ring is divided into mn-Zn ferrite ring and Ni-Zn ferrite ring. According to the materials used, the calcined materials are different. Nickel-zinc ferrite magnetic rings are mainly made of ox...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny fiasa sy ny firafitry ny inductance I-shaped| MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you The frame of the I-shaped inductance is supported by the winding bracket of the copper core coil. I-shaped inductance is one of the properties of electronic circuit or device, which refers to: when the current chan...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fomba fampiharana ny peratra magnetika inductive| MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you What is the method of using inductive magnetic ring? What is the difference between different inductor magnetic ring materials? Let's get to know it together. Magnetic ring is a commonly used anti-interference comp...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona ny firafitry ny patch resistor| MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you What is the composition of chip resistors? Today, the inductor manufacturer will explain it to you. Base material The substrate data of chip resistors are taken from 96% al2O3 ceramics. In addition to good electric...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
inona no ataon'ny inductor amin'ny circuit| MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you How does the inductor react in the circuit? Next, the inductor manufacturer will analyze it for us in detail. The function of inductor Inductors in the circuit mainly play the role of filtering, oscillation, delay,...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny dingana fampiharana ny rod inductor| MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you The rod inductor is an accessory to ensure the normal operation of electronic equipment. It is a circular magnetic conductor. Rod inductor is a common anti-jamming component in electronic circuit, which can restrai...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fahamarinan'ny mari-pana amin'ny angon-drakitra Magnetika malefaka amin'ny inductor Ring| MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you What is the temperature stability of soft magnetic data in the toroidal inductor? Let's follow the inductor distributor to understand the working principle of soft magnetism in toroidal inductor . When making toroi...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny fahasamihafana misy eo amin'ny inductor sy ny inductor mahazatra| MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Friends who understand inductors know that there are two kinds of inductors in the classification of inductors: shielded inductors and unshielded inductors. In the previous article, we also mentioned these two kinds of inductors, but did not compare them together. Today,...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fampidirana ny savaivony tariby inductor sy ny isan'ny fihodinana| MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
The thicker the inductance wire diameter is better or better; What does it have to do with the number of turns? Now the inductor distributor gives you a description. Inductance wire diameter Those who know about inductance should know that an inductor is usually composed...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no maha samy hafa ny inductor sy Magnetic vakana | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
It can be seen from the impedance characteristic curve of magnetic beads that the frequency of transition point is lower than the inductance, and the frequency of transition point is higher than the resistance. The function of inductance is to reflect noise, while resist...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no maha samy hafa ny SMD inductors sy SMT inductors | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you The following is a brief introduction of SMD inductors and SMT inductors by China Getwell: SMD: It is the abbreviation of Surface Mounted Devices, which means: surface mount device, which is one of SMT (Surface Mo...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona ny coil trigger? Inona no ataony | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you For ordinary people, it may not be clear what the trigger coil is, and at the same time do not know what its specific function is? As a professional manufacturer of trigger coils, chip inductors, and New Energy pow...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fa maninona no antsoina hoe coil (couleur sy coil trigger) ny magneto an'ny môtô | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you Why are the ignition coils and trigger coils used in motorcycles and locomotives that everyone knows every day called magneto? The editor of Gewei Electronics will study with you. The magneto of a motorcycle is no...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fa maninona ny ankamaroan'ny inductors an-tsambo inductors bara magnetika | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Inductors can be divided into many kinds according to the shape of the magnetic medium, among which ferrite bar coil is the most common inductor. The following professional ferrite bar coil manufacturers will reveal why ferrite bar coil is used as the inductor of the veh...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no tokony hojerena rehefa mihodina ny coil inductor | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
What should be paid attention to when winding the inductor coil? The following professional inductor coil manufacturers to interpret for you. In the actual use of inductor coil, there are a considerable number of inductor coil non-standard parts, are according to the nee...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona avy ireo sokajy mahazatra an'ny inductors pux | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
What is the common classification of chip inductors, the following professional chip inductors manufacturers to interpret for you. Chip inductors, also known as surface-mount inductors, are a new type of wireless or short wire microelectronic components suitable for surf...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ahoana no itehirizan'ny inductorium fototra angovo | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Ahoana no itehirizan'ny inductorium angovo angovo? Araho ny mpanamboatra inductorium an'ny Getwell inductor hahalala. Ny inductor fototra, na inductor, dia ny tahan'ny fampidiran-tariby tariby amin'ny tariby izay miteraka fiovana mifandimby manodidina ny ao anaty tariby rehefa mandalo ny onja mifandimby ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona avy ireo fepetra raisina amin'ny fampiasana coil fampidirana | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Inona avy ireo fepetra raisina amin'ny fampiasana coil fampidirana? Etsy ambany, araho ny mpanamboatra coil fampidirana Getwell mba hahatakarana. Mandritra ny vanim-potoanan'ny oscillation, ny signal output an'ny coil dia misy herin'ny oscillation sy angovo famantarana angovo niokleary. Ireo refy roa dia mitovy, ary ny oscillating en ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ahoana ny fomba hampihenana ny fiantraikan'ny hafanan'ny coil inductor amin'ny circuit | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
In the circuit design process, the heat generated by the induction coil is an important part of the circuit.Heat will lead to the rise of the inductance coil temperature, temperature has a great influence on the inductance coil, coil resistance generally increases with t...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no maha samy hafa ny vakana andriamby sy ny inductor | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
The difference between a magnetic bead and an inductor is that an inductor is an energy storage device, while a magnetic bead is an energy conversion (consumption) device.Inductance is mostly used in power filter circuit, focusing on suppressing conductive interference;M...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no ananan'ny mpiorina mpampandeha motera maharitra | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Ny fifehezana ny maotera maotera maharitra mandrakizay, matetika isika dia mila mampiasa fanovana mandrindra, fifandraisana inductors: inductance dingana, inductance tsipika, inductance axis mivantana, inductance axis quadrature, inductance samy hafa sns, indrindra ny fitambaran'ny inductance sy mandrindra transfo ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona avy ireo firafitra fototry ny mpampiditra | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Inona avy ireo rafitra ifotoran'ny mpampiditra iray? Ny mpanamboatra induction radial ao Getwell dia milaza aminao ny tantara. Ny inductor dia fitaovana iray afaka manova ny angovo elektrika ho fitahirizana angovo angovo. Ny firafitry ny inductor iraisana dia mitovy amin'ny transformer, fa iray ihany ny windin ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona avy ireo tombony azo avy amin'ireo mpampiditra Chip | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
What are the advantages of chip inductors?Next, Getwell, the chips inductor manufacturer, explains the problem. Chip inductors, also known as surface-mount inductors, are new lead-free or short-lead microelectronic components suitable for surface-mount technology (SMMT),...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona avy ireo masontsivana mampiavaka ny mpiorina | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
What are the main characteristic parameters of inductance? Inductance manufacturer Getwell will tell you. radial power inductor The main function of inductor is DC, blocking AC, in the circuit mainly play the role of filtering, vibration, delay, collapse, etc. Inductance coil to the AC current h...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Amin'ny fampiharana inona no ampiasana inductors | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
What's An Inductor?Now, the inductorium manufacturer will tell you. An inductor, also called a coil, choke, or reactor, may be a passive two-terminal electrical component that stores energy during a magnetic flux when current flows through it. An inductor typically consi...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no azo ampiasaina matetika ny coil inductance | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Inductance coils exist in our daily life in different forms and structures.Regardless of the configuration, this is closely related.For example, we need to catch a bus on our way to work.You need to borrow a bus card to pay for a ride on a bus.At this time, the payment m...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no atao hoe choke mode mahazatra | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Are there patches for common mode inductors?This should be a lot of customers and buyers of the doubt?The common mode choke manufacturer Getwell will answer the common mode choke in the end there is no patch; We need to understand how it works;Common mode inductors have ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no atao hoe Smd Inductor Winding | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
The following.Getwell professional chips inductor manufacturers to tell you,what is a smd inductor winding. Do you know the structure of inductor? Inductor generally consists of frame, winding, shield, packaging material, core or core, etc. 1.The skeleton frame generall...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no atao hoe Smd Inductor | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Although we often come into contact with inductance products in life, but for the smd inductance, I believe we are still very strange.So, what does a Getwell inductor manufacturer tell us about smd inductor. Smd inductors, also referred to as surface-mount inductors, are...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no atao hoe famaky axial ary inona no ataony | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Axial inductors can often be easily identified thanks to their color but can often be mistaken for resistors.To make this sort of inductor a really thin copper wire is wrapped around a dumbbell-shaped ferrite core, and two lids are connected at the highest and therefore ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona avy ireo masontsivana amin'ny fidirana Smd | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Smd inductor is one of the most common inductors in our daily production, which has a wide range of applications.Fit inductance is a characteristic of series circuits.The effectiveness of wire-strap inductors is based on the fact that an unstable constant-current supply ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no zava-dehibe ilain'ny sain'ny Smd Inductor | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
What are the matters needing attention to the smd inductor, the professional inductor manufacturer GeV to tell you. The chip inductor is also called power inductor and high current inductor.The chip inductance is a property of series circuits.When the current is based on...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ahoana ny fisafidianana ny inductor mode mahazatra mety | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
For common-mode inductors, there are many kinds of EMI filters, such as ferrite beads, magnetic rings, three-terminal capacitors, differential mode inductors, common-mode inductors and so on. Each element plays an important role in different circuits.It also has a good i...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fanasokajiana inductance mode mahazatra SMT | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Getwell Electronics is a professional manufacturer of common mode choke inductors. The following is the classification and production of SMT common mode inductors. (1) Classification by structure Sliced common mode inductance (multilayer chip, printed inductance, etc.), ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no anjara asan'ny patch inductor amin'ny jiro LED | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
What role does the chip inductor play in the LED lamp?The following getwell professional chip inductor manufacturers will talk about this problem. Because the chip inductor can prolong the service life of many consumer electronic products, improve the quality of the prod...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Amin'ny fahasamihafana misy eo amin'ny mpanova matetika sy ny ambany miova | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Among the transformers, there are high frequency transformers and low frequency transformers, so high frequency transformers and low frequency transformers in addition to the name is different and those differences?The following getwell professional high frequency transf...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fampiasana sy fampiharana ny inductor | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Want to know the function and use of inductorium is how?So Gvey professional inductor manufacturer to say briefly. First of all, in order to know the function and use of inductor, we need to understand the principle of inductor: when the coil passes BAI current, the magn...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fahasamihafana eo amin'ny inductance mode mahazatra sy ny indactance mode différence | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
What is the difference between common mode Choke and differential mode inductance?Gvey professional inductor manufacturer to say briefly. Common mode Choke, also known as Common mode Choke, is often used to filter Common mode EMI signals in switching power supplies of co...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny andraikitry ny mpampiditra amin'ny router | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
With the development of mobile communication technology, people's life is gradually inseparable from WIFI, and the production of router is inseparable from inductance.The following is a professional inductor manufacturer of GeV to talk about the role of colour-code induc...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fahalalana fototra momba ny inductance | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Inductance manufacturer gives you a sense of the fundamentals of inductance Q: what is inductance and what does inductance do? A: The Inductor is a Inductor that converts electrical energy into magnetic energy and stores it.An inductor is similar in structure to a transf...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no maha samy hafa ny inductor sy ny inductor | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Inona no maha samy hafa ny inductor sy ny inductor? Andeha hojerentsika ny orinasa inductance mba hahatakatra: Inductance coil Ny coil dia misy tariby ratra manodidina sy manodidina ny insulation fantsona izay insulated amin`izy samy izy, ary ny insulation tube mety ho poakaty, na mety misy core vy...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fantaro ny inductance ny inductance mode mahazatra | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Ianaro ny habetsaky ny inductance an'ny inductance mahazatra. Araho ny mpanamboatra inductance (omena matihanina: inductor axial, inductor radial) hianaranao: Modère différentant ankehitriny: marika famantarana mitovy habe sy tari-dalana mifanohitra amin'ny tsipika fantsom-pamantarana samihafa, mazàna ampiasaina ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona avy ireo antony manokana mahatonga ny famafazana ny peratra magnetika | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Ao amin'ny sehatry ny inductance, ny fampiharana ny inductance peratra magnet dia miely be koa, maro ny mpanamboatra mila inductance peratra magnetika, saingy vitsy ny olona mahalala ny anjara asan'ny famafazana inductance peratra magnetika dia hoe nahoana tokoa? Mazava ho azy fa tsy ny inductors peratra magnetika rehetra no mila hosodoko .Isika dia ho...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fahasamihafana eo amin'ny inductance mode mahazatra sy ny indactance mode différence | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
What are the differences between common mode inductance and differential mode inductance?Follow the Chinese inductor manufacturers to understand: What is common mode inductance? Common mode inductance, also known as common mode choke coil, is usually used to filter common mode electromagnetic in...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no maha samy hafa ny kenda mahazatra sy ny mpanova | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Inona no maha samy hafa ny fomba mahazatra kenda sy ny transformer? Andeha isika hanaraka ny inductance orinasa mba hahatakatra: Ny fomba mahazatra kenda sy ny transformer dia singa elektronika vita amin'ny inductance ny electromagnetic coil amin'ny akora ny transformer taolana. Samy mampiasa ny p...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Sivana fandefasana ambany ho an'ny kofehy koka mahazatra maody | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Ny choke mode mahazatra, fantatra koa amin'ny choke mode mahazatra, dia matetika ampiasaina amin'ny transformer fanaparitahana amin'ny solosaina elektronika mba hihoarana ny fambara fanelingelenana maody mahazatra. Amin'ny famolavolana tontonana fanaraha-maso, ny coil choke mode mahazatra dia manana ny asan'ny sivana EMI, izay afaka sorohina ny olom-boafidy ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny toetra sy ny laharam-pahamehan'ny inductor SMT ary ny plug-in inductor tsirairay | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
How about a large current power inductor plug-in?Why more and more by many inductors of the favor of manufacturers!China inductor manufacturers to take you to understand: High current power inductor features: High power, high saturation current, good weldability and good disc structure, high tem...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fampisehoana sy fampiharana ny SMT inductors sy plug-in inductors | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Inductance dia manana inductance SMT sy inductance plug-in karazana haben'ny fonosana roa, ny tontolon'ny fampiasana ny inductance dia samy hafa be, tsy azo atao ny manisa ny fepetra takiana amin'ny inductance amin'ny fomba iray, ilaina ny famolavolana manokana ho an'ny tontolo iainana manokana. U ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona avy ireo hevi-dehibe momba ny fomba fanekena ny peratra loko | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Inona avy ireo hevi-dehibe momba ny fomba fanekena ny peratra loko? Ity manaraka ity dia ny fanarahana ireo mpanamboatra inductor China mba hahatakatra: teboka manan-danja amin'ny famantarana ny inductance peratra loko naoty 1: Ampiasao ny mari-pana manodidina ny loko amin'ny loko ao amin'ny fanafanana faritra no karazana fipetrahana ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny fandokoana peratra loko dia tokony handinika ny fampiharana ny lalana | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Ny inductance peratra loko dia fahalalana mifandraika tsara sy ratsy, mpamokatra Inductance any Shina hanazava aminao: Misy teboka tsara sy ratsy ve ao amin'ny inductance peratra loko? Ny inductance dia singa elektronika misy làlana ihany fa tsy misy polarity tsara na ratsy. Ny lalana o ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona ny fahasamihafana sy ny fitsipiky ny torolàlana mihodina amin'ny inductor | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Ny inductance maody mahazatra dia manana torolàlana miolikolika mitovy, ary ny fivoahan'ny andriamby ny fatra mahazatra ankehitriny dia manafoana ny tsirairay. Noho izany, ny fitaovana mavitrika misy permeability avo lenta dia azo ampiasaina mba hahatsapa ny habetsaky ny habetsahana sy ny fahatsapana lehibe tsy misy saturation. Ny fanelingelenana eo amin'ny roa ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Misy fiantraikany amin'ny inductance ve ny làlan-drivotra miolakolaka amin'ny fampidirana herinaratra mahery MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Ahoana ny fiantraikan'ny torolàlana miolakolaka amin'ny fampidirana herinaratra avo lenta? Ahoana no tokony hataon'ny inductors? Ny tsy fitoviana amin'ny ratra dia matetika voamarika amin'ny fitarihana azo fantarina. Raha toa ka tsy simetrika tanteraka ny firafitr'ilay mpampiditra herinaratra avo lenta, ny mpamokatra inductor SMT lehibe ankehitriny ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ahoana ny fizotry ny famolavolana inductors SMT laminated | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
How about the fabrication process of laminated SMT inductors?Here's a look at GETWELL inductors: How about the manufacturing process of the shape structure of laminated SMT inductors? Laminated ferrite inductors are inductors with a multi-layer structure similar in shape to ceramic SMT capacitor...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Mampiavaka ny hery mpampiditra SMT | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Amin'ny ankapobeny, izy io dia entina hilazana ny inductor ampiasaina amin'ny injenieran'ny herinaratra hanoherana ny herin'aratra lehibe, toy ny motera lehibe (AC) ampiasaina hampihenana ny herinaratra ao amin'ny inductor (fantatra koa amin'ny anarana hoe reactor) .Ny inductance ho an'ny herinaratra dia misy tariby vy sy varahina. Araho miaraka amin'ireo mpanamboatra inductor t ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fomba fampahafantarana sy fanaraha-maso ny karazana inductance mahazatra | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
1, inductor dia matetika antsoina hoe inductor, dia iray amin'ireo singa elektronika ifotony matetika ampiasaina. Inductors dia misy karazany sy endrika isan-karazany, ny mahazatra kokoa dia ny: coil core verteur iray sosona tokana, coil core hollow inter-ratra, coil core hollow-out, multi-layer hollow cor ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Mitovy ve ny toetra sy ny mampiavaka ny inductor SMT | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
SMT inductance dia fantatra ihany koa amin'ny hoe: hery inductance, lehibe amin'izao fotoana izao inductance, ambonin'ny tendrombohitra avo hery inductance, ary manana ny toetra ny miniaturization, avo kalitao, avo angovo fitehirizana sy ambany fanoherana, andao hahatakatra ny toetra sy ny toetra mampiavaka ny SMT inductance ar.. .Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Avo fahefana - avo lenta - Fanamarihana amin'ny fisafidianana ifotony | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Na izany aza, rehefa mivezivezy amin'ny alàlan'ny mode deferance ny coil roa, dia mifamadika ny flux magnetika ao amin'ny peratra magnetika, ary saika tsy misy fampidirana. Inona no tokony hojereko rehefa misafidy inductor core maody maherifo be aho? Raha ny tombam-bidy ankehitriny, DC resistan ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fakafakao ny lokon'ny peratra magnetika sy ny fisafidianana ny inductance | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Amin'ny alàlan'ny famakafakana ny lokon'ny peratra magnetika sy ny fisafidianana ny inductor, ny mpanamboatra Inductor any Shina dia milaza aminao: Fitaovana peratra magnetika sy famakafakana ny loko, hozaraina ho tanjona manokana: Ny fampiasa alimina Ferrite dia manana permeabilité magnetika: 26, 60, 75, 90, 125 mainty ny loko mahazatra. Magne ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no andraikitry ny inductance fahefana | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you The role of power inductance (1) Flow resistance: The self-induction electromotive force in the coil is always against the current change in the coil.It can be divided into high frequency choke coil and low frequen...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Mety ve ny manolo ny fampidirana plug-in amin'ny fidirana herinaratra ampinga | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you I. Performance advantages of shielded power inductance in circuits? Shielded insert inductance, closed circuit magnetic circuit structure design, large inductance, large current, long life, high reliability, low co...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny maha-zava-dehibe ny inductance amin'ny tsenan'ny trano an-tsaina
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you Intelligent home is based on the residential platform, through the intelligent home system to human safety, convenience, comfort, art, and environmental protection and energy saving living environment.One ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny tsy fitovizan'ny mpanova matetika sy ny mpanova matetika
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you High-frequency transformers refer to transformers that work at high frequencies and play the role of energy exchange. Because the frequency of magnetic field is very high, eddy currents will be generated i...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny olana 8 fahita indrindra amin'ny inductors coil amin'ny rivotra?
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you How much do you know about the air coil inductor?Do you think it's just one coil wound in a circle?The following Chinese inductance manufacturers have sorted out some materials, hoping to be of some help to you: Wh...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona avy ireo olana mahazatra amin'ny tsy fetezana?
What are some common problems with fixed inductor?Let's learn more about it together with China inductance manufacturers: 1、What is the function of a fixed inductor? Fixed inductance mainly has the following eight functions: a、Since current through an inductor cannot c...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no fiasan'ny inductors sy capacitors?
Capacitance: a capacitor is a device that can store electrical charge.Inductance: mainly plays the role of filtering, oscillation, delay and trap wave, as well as filtering signal, filtering noise, stabilizing current and inhibiting electromagnetic wave interference. Ind...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona ny ankehitriny saturation inductor?
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you What is the inductor saturation current?How does it relate to the temperature rise current?Following the Chinese axial inductor factory to understand together: Inductive definition Inductance is one of the three mo...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ahoana ny fanombanana ny inductors?
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you Often have net friend to ask: how is inductance rated?In response to this question, Chinese inductance manufacturers answer from the following three aspects: What is the rated current of an inductor How to specify ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona avy ireo karazana inductors?
Inductance in the circuit is also a relatively common electronic components, today China's inductance factory and you talk about, what kind of inductance? 1. By shape There is a hollow inductance, which is just a coil, and a solid inductance, which has a medium in the middle. air core coils 2, a...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no fampiasana inductor?
Ny inductors dia singa fitahirizana angovo izay manova ny angovo herinaratra ho fitahirizana angovo angovo. Mitovy amin'ny transformer izy io, fa ny inductor dia iray ihany no miolakolaka. Ny firafitry ny inductors dia mazàna dia vita amin'ny taolam-baravarana, miolakolaka, manarona, fonosana, vy fototra ary Magne ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona ny coil koka ary aiza no ampiasaina azy?
Ny coil koka dia kopian'ny kofehin-kibo. Ny kitrokely koka dia azo zaraina ho coil choke matetika sy coil de choke matetika. Ampiasaina amin'ny faritra matetika sy faritra matetika. Ny coil choke matetika dia lehibe amin'ny habeny ary manana ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no atao hoe kenda mahazatra?
Ny inductance mode mahazatra, fantatra koa amin'ny coil choke mahazatra, dia matetika ampiasaina amin'ny famatsiana herinaratra fanodinana solosaina mba hanivana ny mari-pamantarana fanelingelenana elektromagnetika mahazatra. Ao amin'ny famolavolana birao, ny inductance maody mahazatra dia mitana ny andraikitry ny sivana EMI, izay zatra tsindrio ny electromagn ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no atao hoe inductor koka?
Ny inductance ny coil koka dia an'ny coil inductance. Coil inductive mba hanoherana ny ankehitriny hafa mifandimby. Ny coil reactance dia mitanila amin'ny matetika, dia afaka mifehy ny haavo ac matetika, avelao hihena ny ambany ary dc. Fampidirana coil koka: feril coil dia ferit ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no maha samy hafa ny kenda sy ny inductor?
Inona no tsy itovizan'ny coil choke sy ny inductance? Ity orinasa induktance sinoa manaraka ity dia hampahafantatra anao: iray. Natiora samihafa 1 、 Inductance: singa iray afaka manova ny angovo herinaratra ho angovo andriamby ary mitahiry azy. 2. Coil coil: fanelingelenana maody mahazatra ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fikajiana fikajiana sy vondron'ny inductance | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Inductor manufacturer tells you Inductance calculation formula Coil formula: Impedance (Ω) = 2 * 3.14159 * F (frequency) * inductance (H), set with 360 Ω impedance, so: Inductance (H) = impedance (Ω) present (2 * 3.14159) present F (frequency) = 360 pre...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Tanjona sy masontsivana lehibe amin'ny inductance | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Inductor manufacturer tells you Functional use of inductors Inductors are mainly used to filter, oscillate, delay, trap, filter signals, filter noise, stabilize current and suppress electromagnetic wave interference.The most common function of inductanc...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fanasokajiana sy toetoetran'ireo mpampiditra | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Inductor manufacturer tells you Classification of inductance Self inductance device When an electric current passes through the coil, a magnetic field is created around the coil.When the current in the coil changes, the magnetic field around it also ch...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fatra fandrefesana | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Filter manufacturer tells you Two types of instrument for inductance measurement: RLC measurement (resistance, inductance and capacitance can be measured) and inductance measurement instrument. Measurement of inductance: no-load measurement (theoretical...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Karazana inductance mahazatra | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Inductor manufacturer tells you Inductors can be made by winding a core of conductive material, typically copper wire, or by removing the core or replacing it with a ferromagnetic material.The core material with higher permeability than air can bind the...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Firafitry ny tsy fetezana | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Power supply inductor manufacturer tells you Inductor is a device that converts electrical energy into magnetic energy and stores it.The structure of the inductor is similar to that of a transformer, but with only one winding. An inductor has a certain ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Toetra mampiavaka azy sy fampiharana isan-karazany amin'ireo mpampiditra herinaratra SMT
SMD inductor manufacturer tells you Characteristics and application range of SMT power inductors The following are some commonly used types of inductors: 1. Type SP Sp-type SMT power inductor is a non-shielded inductor with simple structure and mature t...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inductance, fiviliana azo ekena ary capacitance an'ny SMD inductor nozaraina
China SMT inductor manufacturers tell you Chip inductors, also known as power inductors, high current inductors and surface-mounted high power inductors.Features: miniaturization, high quality, high energy storage and low resistance. The power SMT induc...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny fiasa sy ny fitsipiky ny mpampiditra SMT
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you In general, the inductance of an electronic circuit is a hollow coil, or a coil with a magnetic core.And the power inductor also has the hollow coil, also has the magnetic core, the main characteristic is with the ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
SMD inductor factory dia milaza aminao: Inona no tombony tsy manam-paharoa an'ny inductor SMD?
Why is SMD power inductance so popular? China inductance factory sorted out the following advantages of SMD inductance?Come and learn! smd inductors 1. Realize SMT and miniaturization to reduce the comprehensive cost of customers; 2. Easy to automate, low cost impact, guaranteed capacity and del...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Toetra mampiavaka sy fampiasa amin'ny fidirana herinaratra SMT
The following is a description of the characteristics and application range of several commonly used types of smt inductors: surface mount inductors 1. Type SP SP type SMT power inductor, is a non-shield inductor, its structure is simple, mature technology, is currently a more common use of the ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Mpanamboatra inductance dia milaza aminao: inductance SMD ny dikan'ny masontsivana lehibe
Ny fizaran-tany dia misy tariby sy singa elektronika, tsy mitovy ny takian'ny tsipika tsy mitovy amin'ny masontsivana fampidirana SMD, ny inductance SMD an'ny masontsivana lehibe dia misy inductance, deviation azo alefa, capacitance zaraina, singa misy ankehitriny sy kalitao. Ireto manaraka ireto ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
SMD inductance 5 masontsivana lehibe
Inductors Chip, fantatra ihany koa amin'ny inductors herinaratra, inductors avo lenta ankehitriny ary inductors avo-ambony mitaingina ambonin-tany. Izy io dia misy miniaturization, kalitao avo, fitehirizana angovo avo ary fanoherana ambany. Ny inductance Power SMT dia mizara karazany roa, miaraka sy tsy misy sarontava andriamby, izay ma ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Tsy fahombiazan'ny inductance SMD antony 5 lehibe
Ny antony tsy fahombiazan'ny inductance SMD dia aseho amin'ny lafiny dimy, izay ny tsy fahombiazan'ny weldability, weldability, welding ratsy, open circuit amin'ny milina, fahasimban'ny circuit magnetika, sns. Module tsy fahombiazan'ny inductor: inductance sy fampisehoana hafa amin'ny out- fandeferana, misokatra, fohy. Fa ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
SMD inductors amin'ny detection circuit misokatra
SMD inductor (Chip inductors), also known as power inductors, high-current inductors, and surface-mounted high-power inductors.It features miniaturization, high quality, high energy storage and low resistance. smd power inductor SMD inductor mainly has the functions of filtering, oscillation, fr...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inductor SMD, inductor peratra loko, inductor koka, inductor mode mahazatra
Inductance - fanasokajiana inductance: inductance SMD, inductance peratra loko, inductance kenda, inductance mahazatra Inductance dia zavatra efa ela. Efa hatry ny ela no fantatry ny olona fa rehefa mandalo courant elektrika ny tariby iray dia miteraka sahan'andriamby manodidina ny tariby. Raha y...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny masontsivana fampidirana SMD sy ny sehatry ny fampiharana
Paramètre main: 1. Ny haben'ny inductance.0402,0603, sns., Tokony hojerena ny marika centimetatra, na ny marika inch, ny haben'ny inductance isaky ny orinasa dia tsy mifanaraka, ny orinasa murata indraindray fomba iray manamarika, indraindray ny fomba roa manamarika.Raha tsy misy filazana hafa, dia manondro inc ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny mahasamihafa ny inductance SMT sy ny capacitance SMT
Inductors Chip, fantatra ihany koa amin'ny inductors herinaratra, inductors avo lenta ankehitriny, ary inductors avo-ambony mitaingina avo lenta. Izy io dia ahitana miniaturization, kalitao avo, fitehirizana angovo avo ary fanoherana ambany. Ny capacitor SMT dia capacitor vita amin'ny seramika miaraka amin'ny fanoherana ny -55-125 ° C ary ny fatiantoka ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fantaro ny mampiavaka ny SMD inductor | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Ny mampiavaka ny inductance SMD Ankehitriny amin'ny lafiny rehetra amin'ny fiainana, malalaka ny fampiharana ny inductance SMD amin'ny fiainantsika, ny toetran'ny SMD inductance dia manana be dia be, ohatrinona no fantatrao momba ny inductance SMD, ny inductance SMD dia manana toetra inona, anio ho anao ampahafantaro fohifohy ny charact ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny antsipiriany momba ny resonance sy ny choke reactance an'ny SMD inductor | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Ao amin'ny singa elektronika iraisana, ny inductance SMT dia mahazatra, ny fampiharana patch dia tena malalaka, fa ny inductance SMT ampiasaina amin'ny asan'ny fizaran-tany dia mitovy, ny inductance SMT izay manana fampiasa roa dia ny circuit resonant sy ny reactance choke, ny manaraka araka ny manokana momba ny SMT inducta ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ahoana ny fomba hanovana ny unit SMD inductance | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Inductor SMD. Ao amin'ny boriborintany, rehefa mivezivezy amin'ny alàlan'ny fotony ny fantsom-panafody dia hiteraka eo akaikin'ny mpampidirana ny saha elektromagnetika. Ny halehiben'ny arus dia ny halehiben'ny saha elektromagnetikan'ny mpampidirina. Raha ny mahazatra, ny vondrona inductance dia L, ary miolakolaka i ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fomba fiasa sy famantarana ny fidirana SMD | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Ny vokatry ny inductance SMD 1. Ny inductance SMD dia singa induction magnetika misy tariby mifatotra; singa tsy mampiditra an'ny iray amin'ireo singa passive izay matetika ampiasaina. 2, ny andraikitry ny inductor SMD: amin'ny alàlan'ny dc fanoherana ny asan'ny ac, indrindra hanasarahana ny signal ac, sy ny sivana na wi ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Torolàlana mifantina inductor SMD | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Torolàlana ho an'ny fifantenana inductor SMD: Betsaka ny olona mieritreritra fa ny karazana inductors SMD isan-karazany dia azo ampiasaina amin'ny karazana vokatra voafetra ihany, saingy tsy izany. Ny asany dia ny fanamafisana, ny sivana, fitehirizana angovo. Raha tsorina, dia singa mandefitra miasa ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no atao hoe smd inductor? Inona avy ireo prospect application | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Inona ny smd inductor? SMD inductor [inductance bobongolo] dia misy magnet sy vatana miolakolaka, ny vatan-tady miolakolaka dia tafiditra ao anaty vovo-by metaly ary maty avy amin'ny rafitry ny andriamby. Ny tongotra mitarika an'ny pin SMD dia ny vatana miolakolaka miforona mivantana eo ambonin'ny vatan'ny seza. Ny maodely ilaina ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ahoana ny fitsapana ny indduktor smd | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Ny inductance SMD, amin'ny ankapobeny dia misy coil sy core magnetika, hitanay fa mihidy izy ireo ary tsy afaka mahita ny inductance SMD. Amin'ny ankapobeny, mieritreritra izahay fa ny SMD inductance dia tsy ratsy, satria tsy afaka milaza amin'ny masontsika isika. Fa ny mpampiditra SMT raha tsy mitandrina ianao dia ho mora be ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ahoana ny fandrefesana ny indduktor smd | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Chip inductors, also known as power inductors, high-current inductors, and surface-mounted high-power inductors.It features miniaturization, high quality, high energy storage and low resistance. smd inductor How does SMD inductor measure inductance? Two types of inducta...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
ny fomba fametahana smd inductor | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
With the current SMD inductor fully closed structure magnetic shielding effect is good, in our life to use more safe, so we in the high-power SMT inductor welding when how should pay attention to it? smd power inductor how to solder smd inductor? First, warm-up It is im...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fampidirana herinaratra patch
This kind of chip inductance is also called: power inductance, high current inductance.Advantages are: 1. Surface mount high power inductor. 2, with miniaturization, high quality, high energy storage and low resistance characteristics. 3, mainly used in computer display ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Masontsivana fampidirana SMD
SMD inductance parameters 1. The inductance The amount of inductance mainly depends on the number of turns of the inductance coil, winding method, whether there is a magnetic core and the material of the core.In general, the more coils there are, the denser the coil, the...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona avy ireo fitaovana ilaina amin'ny mpampiditra ao amin'ny SMT
Overview of SMT inductance Chip inductors, also known as the power inductors, large current inductors and surface-mounted high power inductors.It has the characteristics of miniaturization, high quality, high energy storage and low resistance. What materials are needed f...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ahoana ny fandrefesana ny sandan'ny inductance?
Chip inductors, also known as the power inductors, large current inductors and surface-mounted high power inductors. It has the characteristics of miniaturization, high quality, high energy storage and low resistance. How to measure inductance of SMD? Here are the method...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fomba fankasitrahana inductance peratra loko _ ny lamina fankatoavana ny inductance peratra loko
Fomba famaritana inductance peratra loko Lokon'ny loko inductor misy solontena avy amin'ny isa: volontsôkôlà 1, mena 2, volomboasary 3, mavo 4, maintso 5, manga 6, volomparasy 7, volondavenona 8, fotsy 9, mainty 0 Colour loko inductor loko maro karazana: volontany * 10 (10 ^ 1), mena * 100 (10 ^ 2), volomboasary * 1K (10 ^ 3), mavo * 10K (10 ^ 4) ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny andraikitry ny inductance peratra loko - fitsipiky ny tsy fitovian'ny peratra loko
What is the color ring inductance Color ring inductance, also known as color code inductance, color ring inductance, is a kind of element using self-inductance.In the circuit, the inductance coil (color ring inductance) is usually composed of resonance circuit and filter...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Famakiana induktance code code, hetsika inductance code code
What is color code inductance Color code inductance is also known as color ring inductance. Self-induction, a special form of electromagnetic induction, was first discovered by Faraday in 1835. Color ring inductors have important applications in radio technology and othe...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ifanakalozy hevitra ireo toetra sy toetra mampiavaka ny fidiran'ny SMD
The characteristics and characteristics of SMD inductance are useful for SMD inductance in many electronic fields. SMD inductance is also called SMD power inductance, SMD current SMD inductance and SMD surface mount high power inductance. SMD inductors have the character...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny inductor SMD dia voafantina miaraka amina hevi-dehibe folo
1. The net width of SMT inductor should be smaller than that of inductor, so as to avoid excessive tensile stress during cooling to change inductance value 2. The precision of SMT inductors available on the market is mostly ±10%. If you want the precision higher than ±5%...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Azonao ve ny momba ny fampidirana amin'ny fizaran-tany analog?
The current on the inductor cannot change abruptly.(when the voltage at both ends of the inductor is withdrawn, the current does not immediately disappear, thus creating a reverse electromotive force.) Inductance is a kind of energy storage element, used in LC oscillatio...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fanadihadiana lalina momba ny ankehitriny
Introduction In the design of switching power supply, the design of inductance brings many challenges to engineers.The engineer should not only choose the value of inductance, but also consider the current that inductance can withstand, winding resistance, mechanical siz...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fiaran-dalamby fohy Inductor tsy ratsy?
Fixed Inductor short circuit problem believe that many inductance manufacturers will encounter, really let them very headache and even some at a loss! One, the fixed Inductor open circuit problem may be caused by the following reasons? Below we have done the following an...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inductor amin'izao fotoana izao kely - hampahafantatra anao ireo fiasa lehibe ananan'izy ireo
Small high current inductor refers to the inductor with high stability and resistance to high current and high current. High current inductor refers to the inductor with high stability and resistance to high current and high current. Small high current inductors have all...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no anjara asan'ny ferrite amin'ny inductance mode mahazatra?
The frequency range of common-mode noise generated by switching power supply is 10 kHz ~ 50 MHz or even higher. In order to effectively attenuate these noises, the common-mode inductor is required to provide high enough inductive reactance in this frequency range. The st...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Resonansin'ny fizaran-tany sy ny fihenan'ny setroka SMT
The role of patch inductor is choke filter and filter high frequency clutter, energy storage, used in power filter circuit, focus on the suppression of conductive interference.Inductive element and EMI filter element are widely used in PCB circuit of electronic equ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fomba famaritana maromaro momba ny inductance, mianatra mamantatra sy mamaky ny sandan'ny inductance
First, the understanding of inductance Inductance is a kind of nonlinear components, the current through the inductance can not be mutation, so for mutation current it will show a high resistance state, it is in the circuit main role: choke, filter, shock, tuning and so ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny inductance SMD dia manana ny fanasokajiana SMD inductance function
Chipinductors are also known as power inductors, high current inductors and surface-mount high power inductors.It has the characteristics of miniaturization, high quality, high energy storage and low resistance. The inductance in general electronic circuit is hollow coil...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Fampitahana karazan-toetra mampiavaka ny fampidirana 10
Fampitahana karazan-toetra mampiavaka ny inductance 10 sy ny fampiharana 1, ny inductance I-type izay teo alohany dia inductor chip miolakolaka, izay fanatsarana ny inductor i-type. Baffle dia afaka manatsara ny fahafaha-mitahiry angovo, manova ny làlan'ny EMI sy ny habeny ary mihena koa ny RDC. ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona avy ireo masontsivana famaritana samihafa an'ny plug-in i-inductor?
What are the different specification parameters of plug-in i-inductor? When encountering the above problems, how to identify their specifications?Follow the Chinese inductance factory - gewei electronics to understand together! I-type inductance magnetic core, is a good ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny toetran'ny resistor, ny inductors ary ny capacitors ankehitriny
Fantatsika fa ny onja mifandimby dia manana ireto toetra manaraka ireto: 1. Ny habe sy ny lalana dia miova tsindraindray, ary ny salan'isa salan'isa; misy singa telo: amplitude, zoro matetika ary dingana voalohany; 2. Ny fomba hamaritana ny ankehitriny mifandimby dia misy ny lanjany eo noho eo ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Indrafitra fanaovana kajy inductance an'ny inductance circuit sy ny fomba hitondrana andraikitra?
Amin'ny fampiasana kojakoja elektrika ao an-tokantrano, ny fampiasana inductors dia tokony ho betsaka kokoa, jereo ireo mpampiditra ankehitriny! Famaritana ny inductor Famaritana ny inductance: ny inductance dia ny tahan'ny fiovan'ny andriamby ny tariby amin'izao fotoana izao izay mamokatra ny fifandimbiasana mifandimby ao sy ny wi ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Resonansin'ny fizaran-tany sy ny fihenan'ny setroka an'ny mpampiditra SMT | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
The smd inductors are required to realize two basic functions: circuit resonance and reactance.Resonance circuit includes resonance generation circuit, oscillation circuit, clock circuit, pulse circuit, waveform generation circuit and so on.The resonant circuit also inc...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny fahasamihafana sy ny fifandraisana misy eo amin'ny inductance sy ny magnet bead | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Magnetic beads have very high resistivity and permeability, which is equivalent to the series of resistance and inductance, but the value of resistance and inductance varies with frequency.It has better high-frequency filtering characteristics than ordinary induct...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no atao hoe axial inductor | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Axial Inductor An inductor constructed on a core with concentric leads on opposite ends of the core. An axial inductor, also called a coil, choke, or reactor, is a passive two-terminal electrical component that stores energy in a magnetic field when electric current flow...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Inona no atao hoe inductor | MANGATSIAHATSIAHA
Izay mety ho singa izay mamokatra sahan'andriamby, rehefa mitondra ny herinaratra azo lazaina hoe inductor. Ny inductor dia atao elektronika singa fototra izay storesenergy amin'ny endriky ny sahan'andriambin'ny tany. Ny inductor consistsof ny tariby na coil manome fitoerana. An inductor manana ny fananana fa manohitra ny fiovana ...Hamaky bebe kokoa