100uH inductor ALP 408 | GETWELL
Our offering Axial Inductor to our clients. This inductor is available in different capacities.It has compact design and is used in power applications. We are offering this inductor at reasonable price.
100uH inductor Feature & Karakteristik:
◆ ngemot ferrite dhuwur-frekuensi
◆ saiki rated rélatif gedhé
Sumbu inductor Migunakake
◆ Penyetor Power, DC-DC ngowahi
◆ TV VTRs komputer
◆ peripherals compters
◆ telpon air-kahanan
◆ perabot elektrik ngarep
◆ Toys elektronik lan game
pertanyaan sing liyane jinis digunakake ndhuwur umum bisa ketemu ing requirement.
Sumbu inductor Image
86uh sumbu timbal inductor