33uH steach ALP 0612 | GETWELL
We fabricate axial inductor considering the market trends and specific choices our customers.In order to meet the expectation of the patrons, Our inductor is also available in different shapes and sizes.
33uH Inductor Feature & Characteristic:
◆ tha àrd-tricead ferrite
◆ mòr Rangaichte coimeas ris an-dràsta
Axial steach Uses
◆ solar cumhachd, DC-DC iompaichear
◆ telebhiseanan VTRs coimpiutairean
◆ compters peripherals
◆ fònaichean-adhair na h-
◆ dachaigh dealain inneal
◆ eileagtronaigeach dhèideagan agus gheamannan
Special ceistean a thuilleadh air na h-àrd-chleachdte cumanta seòrsa faodar coinneachadh air do riatanas.
Ìomhaigh Axial steach
1000uh 300ma axial steach
axial leaded steach