Lauzako elementu induktorearen funtzionamendu-printzipioa | LORTU
Power Inductor Manufacturers What component is the patch inductor? How does the tiled inductor work? Next GV Electronics - Custom patch power inductor supplier with these two questions to understand the following content! You May Need Th...Irakurri gehiago -
Zeintzuk dira txip modu komuneko induzigailuen ezaugarriak | LORTU
Power Inductor Manufacturers In the chip common mode inductor, different products can be selected according to the characteristics and size requirements. Gv Electronics, a chip inductor factory, shares with you how to select the right COMMon-mode ...Irakurri gehiago -
Hariaren potentzia-induzigailuen materialaren ezaugarriak eta txip-induzigailuen eta hari-haridun induzigailuen arteko aldea | LORTU
Power Inductor Manufacturers First of all, what is a wire wound inductor? There are many types of inductors, such as: power inductors, laminated inductors, wire wound inductors, etc. Today, Gewei smd power chip inductors will tell you about wire w...Irakurri gehiago -
SMD induktoreak identifikatzeko metodoa eta SMD induktorea nola aukeratu beharren arabera | LORTU
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you SMD inductance components are used in a small number of circuits. They are only used at the output end of low-voltage DC control power supplies. They can be used together with filter capacitors to form...Irakurri gehiago -
Zeintzuk dira txip-induzigailu integratuen abantailak eta desabantailak? Zeintzuk dira txip-induzigailu integratuen aplikazio-eremuak | LORTU
Shielded Power Inductor The Shielded Inductor wholesaler and shielded Inductor Service provider share daily tips and tips on the shielded inductor, power inductor, wire wound inductor and other shielded inductors. Integral molding chip inductor ov...Irakurri gehiago -
Zein da potentzia-induzigailuen eta modu komuneko induzigailuen arteko aldea | LORTU
power inductors,common mode inductors Common mode inductance (Common mode Choke), also known as common mode choke coil, is often used to filter common mode electromagnetic interference signals in computer switching power supplies. In the design of the b...Irakurri gehiago -
Conceptual characteristics and application prospects of inductors | GETWELL
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you The concept of inductors Inductors are generally composed of six parts, such as skeleton, winding, shielding cover, packaging material, magnetic core or iron core. 1, skeleton, Skeleton generally refers to a suppor...Irakurri gehiago -
What are the inductors commonly used in mobile phones | GETWELL
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you High-frequency inductors are usually used in mobile phones, and now mobile phones are also one of the necessary objects in people's daily life. we all know that mobile phones are a kind of high-precision products, ...Irakurri gehiago -
The use of current Transformer | GETWELL
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you From the wire passing through the high current, the small current is induced according to a certain proportion for measurement, and it can also provide power for relay protection and automatic devices. Give example...Irakurri gehiago -
Basic knowledge of inductors | GETWELL
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you There are many kinds of inductors with different shapes, the more common ones are: single-layer flat-wound air-core inductor coil, inter-wound air-core inductor coil, bodiless air-core coil, multi-layer air-core in...Irakurri gehiago -
The influence of the number of differential mode inductors | GETWELL
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you Does it matter how many differential mode inductors there are? This problem many inductor manufacturers will be confused! So today I will introduce them to you one by one. What role can differential mode inductors ...Irakurri gehiago -
Eraztun Magnetikoaren Kolorearen eta materialaren arteko erlazioa | LORTU
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you Most magnetic rings need to be painted to facilitate the distinction. Generally, iron powder cores are distinguished by two colors, such as red / transparent, yellow / red, green / red, green / blue and yellow / wh...Irakurri gehiago -
Aukeratu elikadura-iturria aldatzeko induktore egokia | LORTU
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you An inductor, also known as a choke, is characterized by the "great inertia" of the current flowing through it. In other words, due to the continuity of the flux, the current on the inductor must be continuous, othe...Irakurri gehiago -
Zeintzuk dira ohiko induktoreak | LORTU
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you Like resistors and capacitors, inductors are one of the most commonly used passive devices in circuit design. Inductor is an energy storage element, which can convert electric energy and magnetic energy into each o...Irakurri gehiago -
Elementu induzitzailearen funtzionamendu-printzipioa | LORTU
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you How does an inductor work? I will give you a detailed answer today. An inductor is an element that converts an electric current into magnetic field energy, and the inductance value indicates the ability of the curr...Irakurri gehiago -
Nola murrizteko nukleo induzitzailearen galera | LORTU
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you We know that inductance core is a product that will be used in many electronic products, electronic products will produce certain loss in the process of use, and inductance core is no exception. If the loss of the ...Irakurri gehiago -
Zeintzuk dira | induzitzailearen bost parametro ezaugarriak LORTU
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you The coil wound into a spiral shape is inductive, and the coil used for electrical purposes is called inductors. Inductors are widely used in electronic circuits, and can be divided into two categories, one is induc...Irakurri gehiago -
Zergatik da induktantzia haria zirkulu batean biribilduta dagoenean | LORTU
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you The working principle of inductor is very abstract. In order to explain what inductance is, we start from the basic physical phenomena. Two phenomena and a law-- electromagnetism, magnetoelectricity and Lenz's law ...Irakurri gehiago -
Indukzio korrontearen analisia| LORTU
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you The design of inductor brings many challenges to engineers in the design of switching power supply. Engineers should not only choose the inductance value, but also consider the current that the inductor can bear, w...Irakurri gehiago -
Adabaki potentzia-induktorearen porrotaren arrazoiak| LORTU
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you What are the reasons that affect the inductance failure of the patch? Today, I have combed some relevant contents for your reference. Causes of inductor failure 1. The mechanical stress produced by the magnetic cor...Irakurri gehiago -
Induktantzia propietateen ikuspegi orokorra| LORTU
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you In a circuit, an electromagnetic field is generated when the current flows through the conductor. the magnitude of the electromagnetic field divided by the current is the inductance. Inductance is a physical quanti...Irakurri gehiago -
Induktantzia bobinaren funtzio eta erresistentzia analisia| LORTU
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you What role does the patch inductor coil play in the circuit? Are the characteristics and characteristics of the patch inductor the same? Today, let's find out about it. The function of Hollow Inductance Coil Workin...Irakurri gehiago -
Induktantzia eta kapazitatearen eta korronte bakoitzaren ikuspegi orokorra| LORTU
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you It is easy to understand the difference between chip inductor and chip capacitor, but it is difficult for most people to distinguish, because there are many similarities between chip inductor and chip capacitor. He...Irakurri gehiago -
Manganeso Zinkaren eta Nickel Zinkaren arteko aldea| LORTU
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you The inductance ferrite ring is divided into mn-Zn ferrite ring and Ni-Zn ferrite ring. According to the materials used, the calcined materials are different. Nickel-zinc ferrite magnetic rings are mainly made of ox...Irakurri gehiago -
I formako induktantziaren funtzioa eta egitura| LORTU
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you The frame of the I-shaped inductance is supported by the winding bracket of the copper core coil. I-shaped inductance is one of the properties of electronic circuit or device, which refers to: when the current chan...Irakurri gehiago -
Eraztun magnetiko induktiboaren aplikazio metodoa| LORTU
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you What is the method of using inductive magnetic ring? What is the difference between different inductor magnetic ring materials? Let's get to know it together. Magnetic ring is a commonly used anti-interference comp...Irakurri gehiago -
Zein da adabaki-erresistentziaren konposizioa| LORTU
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you What is the composition of chip resistors? Today, the inductor manufacturer will explain it to you. Base material The substrate data of chip resistors are taken from 96% al2O3 ceramics. In addition to good electric...Irakurri gehiago -
zer egiten du induzigailu batek zirkuitu batean| LORTU
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you How does the inductor react in the circuit? Next, the inductor manufacturer will analyze it for us in detail. The function of inductor Inductors in the circuit mainly play the role of filtering, oscillation, delay,...Irakurri gehiago -
Barra-induzitzailearen aplikazio-prozesua| LORTU
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you The rod inductor is an accessory to ensure the normal operation of electronic equipment. It is a circular magnetic conductor. Rod inductor is a common anti-jamming component in electronic circuit, which can restrai...Irakurri gehiago -
Tenperatura Egonkortasuna Eraztunaren induktorearen datu magnetiko bigunen | LORTU
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you What is the temperature stability of soft magnetic data in the toroidal inductor? Let's follow the inductor distributor to understand the working principle of soft magnetism in toroidal inductor . When making toroi...Irakurri gehiago -
Induktorearen eta induzitzaile arruntaren arteko aldea| LORTU
Friends who understand inductors know that there are two kinds of inductors in the classification of inductors: shielded inductors and unshielded inductors. In the previous article, we also mentioned these two kinds of inductors, but did not compare them together. Today,...Irakurri gehiago -
Induzigailuaren hariaren diametroa eta bira-kopurua sartzea| LORTU
The thicker the inductance wire diameter is better or better; What does it have to do with the number of turns? Now the inductor distributor gives you a description. Inductance wire diameter Those who know about inductance should know that an inductor is usually composed...Irakurri gehiago -
Zein da induzitzaile baten eta ale magnetikoen arteko aldea | LORTU
It can be seen from the impedance characteristic curve of magnetic beads that the frequency of transition point is lower than the inductance, and the frequency of transition point is higher than the resistance. The function of inductance is to reflect noise, while resist...Irakurri gehiago -
What is the difference between SMD inductors and SMT inductors | GETWELL
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you The following is a brief introduction of SMD inductors and SMT inductors by China Getwell: SMD: It is the abbreviation of Surface Mounted Devices, which means: surface mount device, which is one of SMT (Surface Mo...Irakurri gehiago -
Zein da trigger bobina? Zer egiten du | AGUR
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you For ordinary people, it may not be clear what the trigger coil is, and at the same time do not know what its specific function is? As a professional manufacturer of trigger coils, chip inductors, and New Energy pow...Irakurri gehiago -
Zergatik deitzen zaio motozikleta baten magnetoari bobina (pizteko bobina eta trigger bobina) | AGUR
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you Why are the ignition coils and trigger coils used in motorcycles and locomotives that everyone knows every day called magneto? The editor of Gewei Electronics will study with you. The magneto of a motorcycle is no...Irakurri gehiago -
Zergatik daude ontziko induktore gehienak barra magnetikoen induktoreak | AGUR
Inductors can be divided into many kinds according to the shape of the magnetic medium, among which ferrite bar coil is the most common inductor. The following professional ferrite bar coil manufacturers will reveal why ferrite bar coil is used as the inductor of the veh...Irakurri gehiago -
Zeri erreparatu behar zaio bobina induktorea bobinatzean | AGUR
What should be paid attention to when winding the inductor coil? The following professional inductor coil manufacturers to interpret for you. In the actual use of inductor coil, there are a considerable number of inductor coil non-standard parts, are according to the nee...Irakurri gehiago -
Zeintzuk dira txip induktoreak | AGUR
What is the common classification of chip inductors, the following professional chip inductors manufacturers to interpret for you. Chip inductors, also known as surface-mount inductors, are a new type of wireless or short wire microelectronic components suitable for surf...Irakurri gehiago -
Nola gordetzen du indukziozko muina batek energia? AGUR
Nola gordetzen du indukzio induktorial batek energia? Jarraitu Getwell induktorearen induktorio fabrikatzaileari ulertzen. Nukleoaren induktorea edo induktorea, hari baten fluxu magnetikoaren eta korrontearen arteko korronte alternoa igarotzean fluxu alternoa sortzen duen korrontearen arteko erlazioa da.Irakurri gehiago -
Zeintzuk dira indukzio bobina erabiltzeko neurriak AGUR
Zeintzuk dira indukzio bobina erabiltzeko neurriak? Jarraian, jarraitu Getwell indukzio bobina fabrikatzaileari ulertzeko. Oszilazio-denboran, bobinaren irteerako seinalea oszilazio-energiaz eta seinale magnetiko nuklearreko energiaz osatuta dago. Bi maiztasunak berdinak dira, eta oszilatzaileak ...Irakurri gehiago -
Bobina induktorearen beroak zirkuituan duen eragina nola murriztu | AGUR
In the circuit design process, the heat generated by the induction coil is an important part of the circuit.Heat will lead to the rise of the inductance coil temperature, temperature has a great influence on the inductance coil, coil resistance generally increases with t...Irakurri gehiago -
Zer desberdintasun dago aleak magnetiko baten eta induktore baten artean AGUR
The difference between a magnetic bead and an inductor is that an inductor is an energy storage device, while a magnetic bead is an energy conversion (consumption) device.Inductance is mostly used in power filter circuit, focusing on suppressing conductive interference;M...Irakurri gehiago -
Zer induktorek dute iman iraunkorreko motorrek | AGUR
Iman iraunkorraren motor sinkronoaren kontrola, askotan koordenatuen eraldaketa, kontaktuen induktoreak erabili behar ditugu: fasearen induktantzia, lerroaren induktantzia, ardatz zuzenaren induktantzia, koadratura ardatzaren induktantzia, elkarren arteko induktantzia eta abar, batez ere induktantzia eta koordenatuen transfoaren konbinazioa ...Irakurri gehiago -
Zeintzuk dira induktore baten oinarrizko egiturak | AGUR
Zeintzuk dira indukzio baten oinarrizko egiturak? Getwelleko indukzio erradialaren fabrikatzaileak istorioa kontatzen dizu. Induktorea energia elektrikoa energia magnetikoa biltegiratzeko bihur dezakeen gailua da. Elkarren induktorearen egitura transformadore baten antzekoa da, baina haize bakarra dago ...Irakurri gehiago -
Zer abantaila ditu txip induktoreak | AGUR
What are the advantages of chip inductors?Next, Getwell, the chips inductor manufacturer, explains the problem. Chip inductors, also known as surface-mount inductors, are new lead-free or short-lead microelectronic components suitable for surface-mount technology (SMMT),...Irakurri gehiago -
Zeintzuk dira induktorearen parametro ezaugarri nagusiak | AGUR
What are the main characteristic parameters of inductance? Inductance manufacturer Getwell will tell you. radial power inductor The main function of inductor is DC, blocking AC, in the circuit mainly play the role of filtering, vibration, delay, collapse, etc. Inductance coil to the AC current h...Irakurri gehiago -
Zer aplikazio erabiltzen dira induktoreak | AGUR
What's An Inductor?Now, the inductorium manufacturer will tell you. An inductor, also called a coil, choke, or reactor, may be a passive two-terminal electrical component that stores energy during a magnetic flux when current flows through it. An inductor typically consi...Irakurri gehiago -
Zertarako erabil daitezke normalean induktantzia bobinak | AGUR
Inductance coils exist in our daily life in different forms and structures.Regardless of the configuration, this is closely related.For example, we need to catch a bus on our way to work.You need to borrow a bus card to pay for a ride on a bus.At this time, the payment m...Irakurri gehiago -
Zer da txipa modu arruntean AGUR
Are there patches for common mode inductors?This should be a lot of customers and buyers of the doubt?The common mode choke manufacturer Getwell will answer the common mode choke in the end there is no patch; We need to understand how it works;Common mode inductors have ...Irakurri gehiago -
Zer da Smd indukziozko bihurketa | AGUR
The following.Getwell professional chips inductor manufacturers to tell you,what is a smd inductor winding. Do you know the structure of inductor? Inductor generally consists of frame, winding, shield, packaging material, core or core, etc. 1.The skeleton frame generall...Irakurri gehiago -
Zer da Smd Inductor | AGUR
Although we often come into contact with inductance products in life, but for the smd inductance, I believe we are still very strange.So, what does a Getwell inductor manufacturer tell us about smd inductor. Smd inductors, also referred to as surface-mount inductors, are...Irakurri gehiago -
Zer da indukzio axiala eta zer egiten du | AGUR
Axial inductors can often be easily identified thanks to their color but can often be mistaken for resistors.To make this sort of inductor a really thin copper wire is wrapped around a dumbbell-shaped ferrite core, and two lids are connected at the highest and therefore ...Irakurri gehiago -
Zeintzuk dira Smd induktantziaren parametroak | AGUR
Smd inductor is one of the most common inductors in our daily production, which has a wide range of applications.Fit inductance is a characteristic of series circuits.The effectiveness of wire-strap inductors is based on the fact that an unstable constant-current supply ...Irakurri gehiago -
Zein dira Smd Induktorearen arreta behar duten gaiak | AGUR
What are the matters needing attention to the smd inductor, the professional inductor manufacturer GeV to tell you. The chip inductor is also called power inductor and high current inductor.The chip inductance is a property of series circuits.When the current is based on...Irakurri gehiago -
Nola hautatu modu arruntaren indukzio egokia | AGUR
For common-mode inductors, there are many kinds of EMI filters, such as ferrite beads, magnetic rings, three-terminal capacitors, differential mode inductors, common-mode inductors and so on. Each element plays an important role in different circuits.It also has a good i...Irakurri gehiago -
SMT modu arruntaren induktantziaren sailkapena | AGUR
Getwell Electronics is a professional manufacturer of common mode choke inductors. The following is the classification and production of SMT common mode inductors. (1) Classification by structure Sliced common mode inductance (multilayer chip, printed inductance, etc.), ...Irakurri gehiago -
Adabakiaren induktoreak zer funtzio betetzen du LED lanparan | AGUR
What role does the chip inductor play in the LED lamp?The following getwell professional chip inductor manufacturers will talk about this problem. Because the chip inductor can prolong the service life of many consumer electronic products, improve the quality of the prod...Irakurri gehiago -
Maiztasun handiko transformadorearen eta maiztasun baxuko transformadorearen arteko aldeari buruz AGUR
Among the transformers, there are high frequency transformers and low frequency transformers, so high frequency transformers and low frequency transformers in addition to the name is different and those differences?The following getwell professional high frequency transf...Irakurri gehiago -
Induktorearen funtzioa eta aplikazioa AGUR
Want to know the function and use of inductorium is how?So Gvey professional inductor manufacturer to say briefly. First of all, in order to know the function and use of inductor, we need to understand the principle of inductor: when the coil passes BAI current, the magn...Irakurri gehiago -
Modu arruntaren induktantzia eta modu diferentzialaren induktantziaren arteko aldea AGUR
What is the difference between common mode Choke and differential mode inductance?Gvey professional inductor manufacturer to say briefly. Common mode Choke, also known as Common mode Choke, is often used to filter Common mode EMI signals in switching power supplies of co...Irakurri gehiago -
Induktoreen eginkizuna bideratzaileetan | AGUR
With the development of mobile communication technology, people's life is gradually inseparable from WIFI, and the production of router is inseparable from inductance.The following is a professional inductor manufacturer of GeV to talk about the role of colour-code induc...Irakurri gehiago -
Induktantziaren oinarrizko ezagutzak | AGUR
Inductance manufacturer gives you a sense of the fundamentals of inductance Q: what is inductance and what does inductance do? A: The Inductor is a Inductor that converts electrical energy into magnetic energy and stores it.An inductor is similar in structure to a transf...Irakurri gehiago -
Zein da indukzio baten eta indukzio baten arteko aldea | AGUR
Zein da induktore baten eta induktore baten arteko aldea?Jarrai dezagun induktantzia-fabrika ulertzeko: Induktantzia-bobina Bobina bata bestearengandik isolatuta dagoen hodi isolatzaile baten biribil eta biribil batez osatuta dago, eta hodi isolatzailea hutsa izan daiteke, edo burdinazko nukleoa izan dezake...Irakurri gehiago -
Modu arruntaren induktantziaren induktantzia ulertzea AGUR
Ikasi modu arruntaren induktantzia zenbateko induktantzia. Jarraitu induktantzia fabrikatzaileari (profesionalki hornituta: indukzio axiala, indukzio erradiala) ikasteko: Modu diferentzialaren korrontea: tamaina bereko eta kontrako norabideko seinale pare bat, normalean erabiltzen diren seinale diferentzialen lerroetan.Irakurri gehiago -
Zeintzuk dira eraztun magnetikoen indukzio bidezko ihinztapenaren arrazoiak AGUR
Induktantziaren industrian, eraztun magnetikoen induktantziaren aplikazioa ere oso zabalduta dago, fabrikatzaile askok eraztun induktantzia magnetikoa behar dute, baina inork gutxik daki eraztun magnetikoen induktantzia ihinztatzearen papera zergatik den? Jakina, eraztun magnetikoen indukzio guztiak ez dira margotu behar. .Guk egingo dugu ...Irakurri gehiago -
Modu arruntaren induktantzia eta modu diferentzialaren induktantziaren arteko aldea AGUR
What are the differences between common mode inductance and differential mode inductance?Follow the Chinese inductor manufacturers to understand: What is common mode inductance? Common mode inductance, also known as common mode choke coil, is usually used to filter common mode electromagnetic in...Irakurri gehiago -
Zer desberdintasun dago modu arruntaren itogarria eta transformadorearen artean AGUR
Zein da modu komuneko txoke baten eta transformadore baten arteko aldea? Jarrai dezagun induktantzia-fabrika ulertzeko: Modu komuneko txokea eta transformagailua transformadorearen eskeletoaren lehengaiaren bobina elektromagnetikoaren induktantziaz egindako osagai elektronikoak dira. Biek p...Irakurri gehiago -
Pasa baxuko iragazkia modu arruntaren bobina bobinatzeko | AGUR
Ordenagailu elektronikoetako banaketa-transformadoreetan modu arrunteko choke izenak ere ezagunak dira, ohiko moduko interferentzia seinaleak gainditzeko. Kontrol panelaren diseinuan, modu arruntaren bobinak EMI iragazkiaren funtzioa du. eragotzi hautetsiak ...Irakurri gehiago -
SMT induktorearen eta plug-induktorearen ezaugarriak eta aplikazio-eremua hurrenez hurren | AGUR
How about a large current power inductor plug-in?Why more and more by many inductors of the favor of manufacturers!China inductor manufacturers to take you to understand: High current power inductor features: High power, high saturation current, good weldability and good disc structure, high tem...Irakurri gehiago -
SMT induktoreak eta plug-induktoreak | AGUR
Induktantziak SMT induktantzia du eta plug-in induktantzia bi pakete tamaina mota, induktantziaren erabilera ingurunea oso desberdina da, ezinezkoa da induktantziaren eskakizun guztiak modu batera kalkulatzea, diseinu berezia behar da ingurune zehatzetarako. u ...Irakurri gehiago -
Zeintzuk dira kolore eraztun induktantzia ezagutzeko metodoaren funtsezko puntuak | AGUR
Zein dira kolore eraztun induktantzia ezagutzeko metodoaren funtsezko puntuak? Honako hau Txinako induktorearen fabrikatzaileei ulertzea da: Kolore eraztun induktantzia identifikatzeko gakoak 1. Oharra puntua: Erabili giro tenperatura Kolore eraztun induktantzia zirkuituaren berokuntzan zer nolako eserlekua da. ...Irakurri gehiago -
Koloretako eraztun induktantziak norabidearen aplikazioari erreparatu behar dio AGUR
Koloreen eraztun induktantzia positiboa eta negatiboa erlazionatutako ezagutza, Txinan induktantzia fabrikatzaileek azaltzeko: Ba al daude puntu positiboak eta negatiboak kolore eraztun induktantzian? Induktantzia norabidea duen baina polaritate positibo edo negatiborik ez duen osagai elektronikoa da. Norabidea ...Irakurri gehiago -
Zer desberdintasun eta printzipio du induktorearen bihurdura komodaren norabidearen | AGUR
Modu arruntaren induktantzia bihurgunearen norabide bera du, eta modu arruntaren korronte parametroaren fluxu magnetikoak elkarren artean ezeztatzen du. Hori dela eta, iragazkortasun handiko material magnetikoak erabil daitezke bolumen txikia eta sentsibilitate handia saturaziorik gabe gauzatzeko ... Bien arteko interferentzia ...Irakurri gehiago -
Potentzia handiko induktantziaren bihurgunearen norabideak eraginik ba al du induktantzia | AGUR
Potentzia handiko induktantziaren bihurgunearen norabideak nola eragiten du induktantzian? Nola erantzun beharko luke induktoreak? Zauriaren induktantzia sarritan zuzentasun antzeman daiteke. Potentzia handiko induktorearen egitura guztiz simetrikoa ez bada, korronte handiko SMT induktorearen fabrikatzaileak w ...Irakurri gehiago -
Zer moduz laminatutako SMT induktoreak fabrikatzeko prozesua AGUR
How about the fabrication process of laminated SMT inductors?Here's a look at GETWELL inductors: How about the manufacturing process of the shape structure of laminated SMT inductors? Laminated ferrite inductors are inductors with a multi-layer structure similar in shape to ceramic SMT capacitor...Irakurri gehiago -
Potentziako SMT induktoreak | AGUR
Oro har, ingeniaritza elektrikoan potentzia handia jasateko erabiltzen den induktorea aipatzen da, hala nola induktorearen tentsioa (erreaktore izenaz ere ezaguna) erabilitako motor handia (CA). Indukzio induktantzia nukleo magnetiko batez eta kobrezko hari batez osatuta dago. Jarraitu indukzio fabrikatzaileekin ...Irakurri gehiago -
Induktantzia mota identifikatzeko eta hautemateko ohiko metodoa AGUR
1, induktorea indukzio gisa deitu ohi da, normalean erabiltzen diren oinarrizko osagai elektronikoetako bat da. Induktoreak mota eta forma desberdinetakoak dira, ohikoenak hauek dira: geruza bakarreko nukleo hutseko bobina bobinatzea, zaurien arteko bobina hutsa, putzuz kanpoko nukleo bobina, geruza anitzeko hutsa ...Irakurri gehiago -
SMT induktorearen ezaugarriak eta ezaugarriak berdinak al dira | AGUR
SMT induktantzia gisa ere ezagutzen da: potentzia-induktantzia, korronte-induktantzia handia, bere gainazaleko potentzia-induktantzia handiko muntaketa, eta miniaturizazioa, kalitate handiko, energia biltegiratze handiko eta erresistentzia baxuaren ezaugarriak ditu, uler ditzagun SMT induktantziaren ezaugarriak eta ezaugarriak. .Irakurri gehiago -
Potentzia handiko modu arruntaren induktantzia - Oinarriak hautatzeko oharrak AGUR
Hala ere, bi bobinak modu diferentzialeko korrontetik igarotzen direnean, eraztun magnetikoaren fluxu magnetikoa elkarren artean ezeztatzen da eta ia ez dago induktantziarik. Zertan erreparatu beharko nioke potentzia handiko modu arruntaren indukziozko nukleoa aukeratzerakoan? Korronte nominalaren arabera, DC erresistentzia ...Irakurri gehiago -
Analiza ezazu eraztun magnetikoaren kolorea eta induktantziaren hautaketa | AGUR
Eraztun magnetikoaren kolorea eta induktorearen hautaketa aztertuz, Txinan fabrikatzaile induktoreak esaten dizute: Eraztun material magnetikoa eta koloreen analisia, helburu zehatzetan banatu behar dira: aluminiozko ferrita materialak iragazkortasun magnetikoa du: 26, 60, 75, 90, 125 kolore estandarra beltza da. Magne ...Irakurri gehiago -
Zein da botere induktantziaren rola | AGUR
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you The role of power inductance (1) Flow resistance: The self-induction electromotive force in the coil is always against the current change in the coil.It can be divided into high frequency choke coil and low frequen...Irakurri gehiago -
Ados al dago plug-in induktantzia babestutako potentzia induktantziarekin ordezkatzea | AGUR
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you I. Performance advantages of shielded power inductance in circuits? Shielded insert inductance, closed circuit magnetic circuit structure design, large inductance, large current, long life, high reliability, low co...Irakurri gehiago -
Indukzioaren garrantzia etxe adimendunen merkatuan
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you Intelligent home is based on the residential platform, through the intelligent home system to human safety, convenience, comfort, art, and environmental protection and energy saving living environment.One ...Irakurri gehiago -
Maiztasun handiko transformadorearen eta maiztasun baxuko transformadorearen arteko aldea
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you High-frequency transformers refer to transformers that work at high frequencies and play the role of energy exchange. Because the frequency of magnetic field is very high, eddy currents will be generated i...Irakurri gehiago -
Aire bobina induktoreak dituzten 8 arazo ohikoenak?
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you How much do you know about the air coil inductor?Do you think it's just one coil wound in a circle?The following Chinese inductance manufacturers have sorted out some materials, hoping to be of some help to you: Wh...Irakurri gehiago -
Zein dira induktantzia finkoarekin ohiko arazoak?
What are some common problems with fixed inductor?Let's learn more about it together with China inductance manufacturers: 1、What is the function of a fixed inductor? Fixed inductance mainly has the following eight functions: a、Since current through an inductor cannot c...Irakurri gehiago -
Zein da induktoreen eta kondentsadoreen funtzioa?
Capacitance: a capacitor is a device that can store electrical charge.Inductance: mainly plays the role of filtering, oscillation, delay and trap wave, as well as filtering signal, filtering noise, stabilizing current and inhibiting electromagnetic wave interference. Ind...Irakurri gehiago -
Zer da induktorearen saturazio-korrontea?
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you What is the inductor saturation current?How does it relate to the temperature rise current?Following the Chinese axial inductor factory to understand together: Inductive definition Inductance is one of the three mo...Irakurri gehiago -
Nola baloratzen dira induktoreak?
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you Often have net friend to ask: how is inductance rated?In response to this question, Chinese inductance manufacturers answer from the following three aspects: What is the rated current of an inductor How to specify ...Irakurri gehiago -
Zein dira indukzio mota desberdinak?
Inductance in the circuit is also a relatively common electronic components, today China's inductance factory and you talk about, what kind of inductance? 1. By shape There is a hollow inductance, which is just a coil, and a solid inductance, which has a medium in the middle. air core coils 2, a...Irakurri gehiago -
Zertarako balio du induktoreak?
Induktoreak energia biltegiratzeko osagaiak dira, energia elektrikoa energia magnetikoa biltegiratzeko bihurtzen dutenak. Transformadore baten antzekoa da, baina induktoreak bobina bakarra du. Induktoreak egitura orokorrean eskeletoa, bobinaketa, estaldura estalkia, ontziratzeko materiala, burdinazko muina eta ... magne ...Irakurri gehiago -
Zer da choke bobina eta non erabiltzen da?
Zer da choke bobina Choke bobina funtsean bobina baten kopia da. Choke bobina maiztasun txikiko bobina bobina eta maiztasun handiko bobina bobina bana daiteke. Maiztasun baxuko zirkuituan eta maiztasun handiko zirkuituetan erabiltzen da hurrenez hurren. Maiztasun baxuko itoginen bobina tamaina handikoa izaten da eta ...Irakurri gehiago -
Zer da modu arruntaren itogarria?
Modu arruntaren induktantzia, normalean modu arruntaren bobina izenez ere ezaguna, ordenagailuz aldatzen den elikatze iturrian maiz erabiltzen da interferentzia elektromagnetikoaren seinalea iragazteko. Taularen diseinuan, modu arruntaren induktantzia EMI iragazkiaren papera ere betetzen du. kendu elektromagnea ...Irakurri gehiago -
Zer da choke induktorea?
Choke bobinaren induktantzia bobina induktantziari dagokio. Bobina induktiboa korronte alternoari aurre egiteko. Bobinaren erreaktantzia maiztasunarekiko proportzionala da, maiztasun handiko korronte alternoa kontrola dezake, maiztasun baxua eta dc zeharkatzen utzi ditzake. Choke bobina aurkeztea: Choke bobina ferrita da ...Irakurri gehiago -
Zer desberdintasun dago itokiaren eta induktorearen artean?
Zer desberdintasun dago choke bobina eta induktantziaren artean? Txinako induktantzia fabrikak aurkeztuko dizu: Bat. Izaera desberdina 1 、 Induktantzia: energia elektrikoa energia magnetiko bihurtzeko eta hura gordetzeko gai den osagaia. 2. Choke bobina: modu arruntaren interferentzia ...Irakurri gehiago -
Kalkulu formula eta induktantzia unitatea | AGUR
Inductor manufacturer tells you Inductance calculation formula Coil formula: Impedance (Ω) = 2 * 3.14159 * F (frequency) * inductance (H), set with 360 Ω impedance, so: Inductance (H) = impedance (Ω) present (2 * 3.14159) present F (frequency) = 360 pre...Irakurri gehiago -
Induktantziaren xedea eta parametro nagusiak | AGUR
Inductor manufacturer tells you Functional use of inductors Inductors are mainly used to filter, oscillate, delay, trap, filter signals, filter noise, stabilize current and suppress electromagnetic wave interference.The most common function of inductanc...Irakurri gehiago -
Induktoreak sailkatzea eta ezaugarriak | AGUR
Inductor manufacturer tells you Classification of inductance Self inductance device When an electric current passes through the coil, a magnetic field is created around the coil.When the current in the coil changes, the magnetic field around it also ch...Irakurri gehiago -
Induktantziaren neurketa | AGUR
Filter manufacturer tells you Two types of instrument for inductance measurement: RLC measurement (resistance, inductance and capacitance can be measured) and inductance measurement instrument. Measurement of inductance: no-load measurement (theoretical...Irakurri gehiago -
Induktantzia mota arruntak | AGUR
Inductor manufacturer tells you Inductors can be made by winding a core of conductive material, typically copper wire, or by removing the core or replacing it with a ferromagnetic material.The core material with higher permeability than air can bind the...Irakurri gehiago -
Induktantziaren egitura | AGUR
Power supply inductor manufacturer tells you Inductor is a device that converts electrical energy into magnetic energy and stores it.The structure of the inductor is similar to that of a transformer, but with only one winding. An inductor has a certain ...Irakurri gehiago -
SMT potentzia induktoreen ezaugarriak eta aplikazio gama
SMD inductor manufacturer tells you Characteristics and application range of SMT power inductors The following are some commonly used types of inductors: 1. Type SP Sp-type SMT power inductor is a non-shielded inductor with simple structure and mature t...Irakurri gehiago -
SMD induktorearen induktantzia, desbiderapen onargarria eta kapazitate banatua
China SMT inductor manufacturers tell you Chip inductors, also known as power inductors, high current inductors and surface-mounted high power inductors.Features: miniaturization, high quality, high energy storage and low resistance. The power SMT induc...Irakurri gehiago -
SMT induktorearen funtzioa eta printzipioa
Custom inductor manufacturer tells you In general, the inductance of an electronic circuit is a hollow coil, or a coil with a magnetic core.And the power inductor also has the hollow coil, also has the magnetic core, the main characteristic is with the ...Irakurri gehiago -
SMD induktorearen fabrikak esaten dizu: SMD potentzia induktoreak zein abantaila ditu?
Why is SMD power inductance so popular? China inductance factory sorted out the following advantages of SMD inductance?Come and learn! smd inductors 1. Realize SMT and miniaturization to reduce the comprehensive cost of customers; 2. Easy to automate, low cost impact, guaranteed capacity and del...Irakurri gehiago -
SMT potentzia induktantziaren ezaugarriak eta aplikazio tartea
The following is a description of the characteristics and application range of several commonly used types of smt inductors: surface mount inductors 1. Type SP SP type SMT power inductor, is a non-shield inductor, its structure is simple, mature technology, is currently a more common use of the ...Irakurri gehiago -
Induktantzia fabrikatzaileak hau esaten dizu: SMD induktantzia parametro nagusiaren esanahia
Zirkuitua hari eta osagai elektronikoz osatuta dago, SMD induktantzia parametroen lineako eskakizun desberdinak ez dira berdinak, parametro nagusien SMD induktantzia induktantzia dute, desbiderapen onargarria, kapazitantzia banatua, korronte nominala eta kalitate faktoreak. Honako induktantzia faktorea ...Irakurri gehiago -
SMD induktantzia 5 parametro nagusiak
Txip induktoreak, potentzia induktoreak, korronte handiko induktoreak eta gainazaleko potentzia handiko induktoreak bezala ere ezagutzen dira. Miniaturizazioa, kalitate handikoa, energia biltegiratze handia eta erresistentzia txikia ditu. Power SMT induktantzia bi motatan banatzen da, maskara magnetikoarekin eta maskararik gabe, batez ere ma ...Irakurri gehiago -
SMD induktantzia porrota 5 arrazoi nagusi
SMD induktantziaren akatsaren arrazoia bost alderditan ageri da nagusiki, hau da, soldagarritasunak, soldagarritasunak, soldadura txarrak, makinan zirkuitu irekia, zirkuitu magnetikoaren kalteak, etab., Induktorearen hutsegite modua: induktantzia eta kanpoko beste errendimendua. tolerantzia, irekia, laburra. Fa ...Irakurri gehiago -
SMD induktoreak zirkuitu irekiko detekzioan
SMD inductor (Chip inductors), also known as power inductors, high-current inductors, and surface-mounted high-power inductors.It features miniaturization, high quality, high energy storage and low resistance. smd power inductor SMD inductor mainly has the functions of filtering, oscillation, fr...Irakurri gehiago -
SMD induktorea, kolore eraztun induktorea, itolarria induktorea, modu arruntaren induktorea
Induktantzia - induktantzia sailkapena: SMD induktantzia, kolore-eraztunaren induktantzia, itotzeko induktantzia, modu arrunteko induktantzia Induktantzia historia luzea duen zerbait da. Jendeak aspalditik daki hari batek korronte elektrikoa pasatzen duenean eremu magnetiko bat sortzen duela hariaren inguruan. Bada...Irakurri gehiago -
SMD induktantzia parametroak eta aplikazio eszenatokiak
Parametro nagusiak: 1. Induktantziaren tamaina.0402.0603, etab., Arreta jarri beharko luke zentimetroaren marka edo hazbeteko marka da. Induktantziaren tamaina marka enpresa bakoitza ez da koherentea. markatzea.Besterik adierazi ezean, oro har, inc ...Irakurri gehiago -
SMT induktantzia eta SMT kapazitantziaren arteko aldea
Txip induktoreak, potentzia induktoreak, korronte handiko induktoreak eta gainazaleko potentzia handiko induktoreak bezala ere ezagutzen dira. Miniaturizazioa, kalitate handikoa, energia biltegiratze handia eta erresistentzia txikia ditu. SMT kondentsadorea zeramikazko material kondentsadore bat da, tenperatura -55-125 ° C-ko erresistentzia duena ...Irakurri gehiago -
SMD induktorearen ezaugarriak ulertu AGUR
SMD induktantziaren ezaugarriak Gaur egun, bizitzako esparru guztietan, SMD induktantziaren aplikazioa oso zabala da, SMD induktantziaren ezaugarriak asko dira, zenbat dakizu SMD induktantziaz, SMD induktantziak zer ezaugarri ditu, gaur egun zuretzat laburki aurkeztu ezaugarria ...Irakurri gehiago -
SMD induktorearen zirkuituaren erresonantzia eta itolarriaren erreaktantziaren xehetasunak AGUR
Gure osagai elektroniko arruntetan, SMT induktantzia ohikoa da, adabaki aplikazioa oso zabala da, baina zirkuituaren funtzioetan erabiltzen den SMT induktantzia berdina da, SMT induktantzia oinarrizko bi funtzionalitate ditu zirkuitu erresonantea eta itolarriaren erreaktantzia da. SMT inducta ...Irakurri gehiago -
Nola bihurtu SMD induktantzia unitatea | AGUR
SMD induktorea. Zirkuituan, korrontea induktorearen nukleotik igarotzen denean, eremu elektromagnetikoa sortuko da induktorearen ondoan. Korrontearen magnitudea induktorearen eremu elektromagnetikoaren magnitudea da. Normalean, induktantziaren unitatea L da, eta i ...Irakurri gehiago -
SMD induktantziaren funtzioa eta identifikazio metodoa AGUR
SMD induktantziaren efektua 1. SMD induktantzia hari isolatuarekin zauritutako indukzio elementu magnetikoa da, normalean erabiltzen diren osagai pasiboetako bat den elementu induktiboa. 2, SMD induktorearen eginkizuna: dc erresistentziako AC funtzioaren bidez, batez ere AC seinalea isolatzeko eta iragazkia edo wi ...Irakurri gehiago -
SMD induktorea hautatzeko gida | AGUR
SMD induktoreak hautatzeko gida: Jende askok uste du SMD induktore mota desberdinak produktu mota murriztuetan soilik erabil daitezkeela, baina ez dira hala. Induktantziaren printzipioa bera da. Bere funtzioa hau da: bultzada, iragazkia, energia metatzea. Besterik gabe esateko, funtzionatzen duen elementu pasiboa da ...Irakurri gehiago -
Zer da smd induktorea? Zein dira aplikazioaren irtenbideak | AGUR
Zer da smd induktorea? SMD induktoreak [moldatutako induktantzia] imana eta harilkatze-gorputza biltzen ditu; harilkatze-gorputza hauts magnetiko metalikoan sartuta dago eta sistema magnetikoak die-moldatua. SMD pinaren berun oina eserlekuaren gorputzaren gainazalean zuzenean eratutako gorputz bihurgarria da. Erabilgarritasun eredua ...Irakurri gehiago -
Nola probatu smd induktorea | AGUR
SMD induktantzia, oro har, bobina eta nukleo magnetikoz osatuta dago, normalean itxita daude, ezin dugu SMD induktantzia ikusi. Oro har, SMD induktantzia ez dela txarra uste dugu, ezin baitugu begi hutsez esan. SMT induktorea arreta jartzen ez baduzu, oso erraza izango da ...Irakurri gehiago -
Nola neurtu smd induktorea | AGUR
Chip inductors, also known as power inductors, high-current inductors, and surface-mounted high-power inductors.It features miniaturization, high quality, high energy storage and low resistance. smd inductor How does SMD inductor measure inductance? Two types of inducta...Irakurri gehiago -
nola soldatu smd induktorea | AGUR
With the current SMD inductor fully closed structure magnetic shielding effect is good, in our life to use more safe, so we in the high-power SMT inductor welding when how should pay attention to it? smd power inductor how to solder smd inductor? First, warm-up It is im...Irakurri gehiago -
Adabaki potentzia induktantzia
This kind of chip inductance is also called: power inductance, high current inductance.Advantages are: 1. Surface mount high power inductor. 2, with miniaturization, high quality, high energy storage and low resistance characteristics. 3, mainly used in computer display ...Irakurri gehiago -
SMD induktantzia parametroak
SMD inductance parameters 1. The inductance The amount of inductance mainly depends on the number of turns of the inductance coil, winding method, whether there is a magnetic core and the material of the core.In general, the more coils there are, the denser the coil, the...Irakurri gehiago -
Zer material behar dira SMT induktoreetarako
Overview of SMT inductance Chip inductors, also known as the power inductors, large current inductors and surface-mounted high power inductors.It has the characteristics of miniaturization, high quality, high energy storage and low resistance. What materials are needed f...Irakurri gehiago -
Nola neurtu induktantzia balioa?
Chip inductors, also known as the power inductors, large current inductors and surface-mounted high power inductors. It has the characteristics of miniaturization, high quality, high energy storage and low resistance. How to measure inductance of SMD? Here are the method...Irakurri gehiago -
Kolore eraztun induktantzia ezagutzeko metodoa _ kolore eraztun induktantziaren ordena
Kolore eraztun induktantzia identifikatzeko metodoa Kolore eraztun induktorearen zenbakia irudikatzen du: marroia 1, gorria 2, laranja 3, horia 4, berdea 5, urdina 6, morea 7, grisa 8, zuria 9, beltza 0 Kolore eraztun induktorea kolore aniztasuna: marroia * 10 (10 ^ 1), gorria * 100 (10 ^ 2), laranja * 1K (10 ^ 3), horia * 10K (10 ^ 4) ...Irakurri gehiago -
Kolore eraztun induktantziaren rola - kolore eraztun induktantziaren printzipioa
What is the color ring inductance Color ring inductance, also known as color code inductance, color ring inductance, is a kind of element using self-inductance.In the circuit, the inductance coil (color ring inductance) is usually composed of resonance circuit and filter...Irakurri gehiago -
Kolore kodearen induktantzia irakurketa, kolore kodearen induktantzia ekintza
What is color code inductance Color code inductance is also known as color ring inductance. Self-induction, a special form of electromagnetic induction, was first discovered by Faraday in 1835. Color ring inductors have important applications in radio technology and othe...Irakurri gehiago -
Eztabaidatu SMD induktantziaren ezaugarriak eta ezaugarriak
The characteristics and characteristics of SMD inductance are useful for SMD inductance in many electronic fields. SMD inductance is also called SMD power inductance, SMD current SMD inductance and SMD surface mount high power inductance. SMD inductors have the character...Irakurri gehiago -
SMD induktorea funtsezko hamar punturekin hautatzen da
1. The net width of SMT inductor should be smaller than that of inductor, so as to avoid excessive tensile stress during cooling to change inductance value 2. The precision of SMT inductors available on the market is mostly ±10%. If you want the precision higher than ±5%...Irakurri gehiago -
Argi al duzu zirkuitu analogikoan induktantzia?
The current on the inductor cannot change abruptly.(when the voltage at both ends of the inductor is withdrawn, the current does not immediately disappear, thus creating a reverse electromotive force.) Inductance is a kind of energy storage element, used in LC oscillatio...Irakurri gehiago -
Korronte induktiboaren azterketa sakona
Introduction In the design of switching power supply, the design of inductance brings many challenges to engineers.The engineer should not only choose the value of inductance, but also consider the current that inductance can withstand, winding resistance, mechanical siz...Irakurri gehiago -
Induktorea zirkuitulabur finkoa ez da txarra?
Fixed Inductor short circuit problem believe that many inductance manufacturers will encounter, really let them very headache and even some at a loss! One, the fixed Inductor open circuit problem may be caused by the following reasons? Below we have done the following an...Irakurri gehiago -
Korronte handiko indukzio txikia - bere ezaugarri nagusien berri emateko
Small high current inductor refers to the inductor with high stability and resistance to high current and high current. High current inductor refers to the inductor with high stability and resistance to high current and high current. Small high current inductors have all...Irakurri gehiago -
Zer funtzio betetzen du ferritak modu arruntean induktantzian?
The frequency range of common-mode noise generated by switching power supply is 10 kHz ~ 50 MHz or even higher. In order to effectively attenuate these noises, the common-mode inductor is required to provide high enough inductive reactance in this frequency range. The st...Irakurri gehiago -
SMT induktoreen zirkuituaren erresonantzia eta itolarriaren erreaktantzia
The role of patch inductor is choke filter and filter high frequency clutter, energy storage, used in power filter circuit, focus on the suppression of conductive interference.Inductive element and EMI filter element are widely used in PCB circuit of electronic equ...Irakurri gehiago -
Induktantziaren hainbat identifikazio metodo, induktantziaren balioa identifikatzen eta irakurtzen ikasten dute
First, the understanding of inductance Inductance is a kind of nonlinear components, the current through the inductance can not be mutation, so for mutation current it will show a high resistance state, it is in the circuit main role: choke, filter, shock, tuning and so ...Irakurri gehiago -
SMD induktantzia du zer sailkapen SMD induktantzia funtzioa
Chipinductors are also known as power inductors, high current inductors and surface-mount high power inductors.It has the characteristics of miniaturization, high quality, high energy storage and low resistance. The inductance in general electronic circuit is hollow coil...Irakurri gehiago -
10 induktantzia ezaugarri eta aplikazioen konparazioa
Indukzioaren 10 ezaugarri eta aplikazioen konparazioa 1, i motako induktantzia Bere aurrekaria txirbil induktorea da, i motako induktorearen hobekuntza da. Baffle-k energia biltegiratzeko ahalmena modu eraginkorrean hobetu dezake, EMI norabidea eta tamaina alda ditzake eta RDCa ere murriztu. Gainera, ...Irakurri gehiago -
Zein dira plug-in i-induktorearen zehaztapen parametro desberdinak?
What are the different specification parameters of plug-in i-inductor? When encountering the above problems, how to identify their specifications?Follow the Chinese inductance factory - gewei electronics to understand together! I-type inductance magnetic core, is a good ...Irakurri gehiago -
Erresistentzia, induktoreak eta kondentsadoreen korronte alternoko ezaugarriak
Badakigu korronte alternoak propietate hauek dituela: 1. Tamaina eta norabidea aldian-aldian aldatzen dira eta batez besteko balioa zero da; hiru elementu daude: anplitudea, maiztasun angeluarra eta hasierako fasea; 2. Korronte alternoa deskribatzeko moduek berehalako balioa ...Irakurri gehiago -
Zirkuituaren induktantziaren induktantzia kalkulatzeko formula eta nola jokatu?
Etxetresna elektrikoen erabileran, induktoreak erabiltzea zabalagoa izan beharko litzateke, begira induktoreak gaur! Induktorearen definizioa Induktantziaren definizioa: Induktantzia hari baten fluxu magnetikoaren korrontearekiko eta korronte alternoko fluxua sortzen duen korrontearekiko ...Irakurri gehiago -
SMT induktoreen zirkuituaren erresonantzia eta itolarrearen erreaktantzia | AGUR
The smd inductors are required to realize two basic functions: circuit resonance and reactance.Resonance circuit includes resonance generation circuit, oscillation circuit, clock circuit, pulse circuit, waveform generation circuit and so on.The resonant circuit also inc...Irakurri gehiago -
Induktantzia eta perla magnetikoaren arteko aldea eta lotura AGUR
Magnetic beads have very high resistivity and permeability, which is equivalent to the series of resistance and inductance, but the value of resistance and inductance varies with frequency.It has better high-frequency filtering characteristics than ordinary induct...Irakurri gehiago -
Zer da axial induktore bat | GETWELL
Axial Inductor An inductor constructed on a core with concentric leads on opposite ends of the core. An axial inductor, also called a coil, choke, or reactor, is a passive two-terminal electrical component that stores energy in a magnetic field when electric current flow...Irakurri gehiago -
Zer da induktore bat | GETWELL
zein denean korronte elektrikoa garraiatzen eremu magnetikoa sortzen duen edozein elementu ezin induktore gisa deitu daiteke. induktore An a pasiboa osagai elektronikoen eremu magnetikoarekin formularioa storesenergy dela. induktore An alanbre begizta batean edo bobina consistsof. induktore An jabetza aldaketa bat jasaten duela ditu ...Irakurri gehiago